Category: AI News

The Difference Between Generative AI And Traditional AI: An Easy Explanation For Anyone

Unravelling the Contrasts Between Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Generative AI Converge Technology Solutions

While it doesn’t necessarily imply human-level intellect, it encompasses learning, planning, and problem-solving capacity. When AI is applied to specific tasks, it is known as Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI). AGI is the ultimate realization of AI as it encompasses functions that the human brain can accomplish. In the diffusion process, the model adds noise—randomness, basically—to an image, then slowly removes it iteratively, all the while checking against its training set to attempt to match semantically similar images. Diffusion is at the core of AI models that perform text-to-image magic like Stable Diffusion and DALL-E. AI-generated code snippets and templates are streamlining the development process for companies, allowing them to more rapidly prototype and build high-quality software solutions for their clients.

The interesting thing is, it isn’t a painting drawn by some famous artist, nor is it a photo taken by a satellite. The image you see has been generated with the help of Midjourney — a proprietary artificial intelligence program that creates pictures from textual descriptions. Here is an example of a neural network that uses large sets of unlabeled data of eye retinas.

An example of generative AI vs. machine learning at work.

Misleading models and those containing bias or that hallucinate can come at a high cost to customers’ privacy, data rights and trust. Stronger forms of AI, like AGI and ASI, incorporate human behaviors more prominently, such as the ability to interpret tone and emotion. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) would perform on par with another human, while Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)—also known as superintelligence—would surpass a human’s intelligence and ability.

generative ai vs. machine learning

By leveraging the power of generative AI, these types of tools are paving the way for a more inclusive and accessible future in technology. For the most part, laws specific to the creation and use of artificial intelligence do not exist. This means most of these issues will have to be handled through existing law, at least for now. It also means it will be up to companies themselves to monitor the content being generated on their platform — no small task considering just how quickly this space is moving. Early versions of this technology typically required submitting data via an API, or some other complicated process. Developers then had to familiarize themselves with special tools and then write applications using coding languages like Python.

How do artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning and neural networks relate to each other?

Generative AI is an emerging technology that uses artificial intelligence, algorithms and large language models to generate content. Machine learning makes uses of deep learning and neural network techniques to generate content that is based on the patterns it observes in a wide array of other content. Generative AI is a form of artificial intelligence that is designed to generate content, including text, images, video and music. It uses large language models and algorithms to analyze patterns in datasets to mimic the style or structure of specific types of content. This form of AI employs advanced machine learning techniques, most notably generative adversarial networks (GANs) and variations of transformer models like GPT-4.

Yakov Livshits
Founder of the DevEducation project
A prolific businessman and investor, and the founder of several large companies in Israel, the USA and the UAE, Yakov’s corporation comprises over 2,000 employees all over the world. He graduated from the University of Oxford in the UK and Technion in Israel, before moving on to study complex systems science at NECSI in the USA. Yakov has a Masters in Software Development.

Neural networks, which form the basis of much of the AI and machine learning applications today, flipped the problem around. Designed to mimic how the human brain works, neural networks “learn” the rules from finding patterns in existing data sets. Developed in the 1950s and 1960s, the first neural networks were limited by a lack of computational power and small data sets. It was not until the advent of big data in the mid-2000s and improvements in computer hardware that neural networks became practical for generating content. One challenge is that deep learning algorithms require large amounts of data to train, which can be time-consuming and costly.

What is generative AI? Artificial intelligence that creates

At a high level, generative AI refers to a category of AI models and tools designed to create new content, such as text, images, videos, music, or code. Generative AI uses a variety of techniques—including neural networks and deep learning algorithms—to identify patterns and generate new outcomes based on them. Yakov Livshits Organizations and people (including software developers and engineers) are increasingly looking to generative AI tools to create content, code, images, and more. Generative AI refers to a subset of AI that focuses on creating new and original content rather than simply recognizing or analyzing existing data.

generative ai vs. machine learning

And vice versa, numbers closer to 1 show a higher likelihood of the prediction being real. Mathematically, generative modeling allows us to capture the probability of x and y occurring together. To recap, the discriminative model kind of compresses information about the differences between cats and guinea pigs, without trying to understand what a cat is and what a guinea pig is.

Moreover, ChatGPT is transforming our relationship with search engines, as it fosters more declarative and conversational interactions, making the process of seeking information more intuitive, efficient, and engaging. There are some major concerns regarding Generative Ai that holds a greater potential for different industries. There are plenty of examples of chatbots, for example, providing incorrect Yakov Livshits information or simply making things up to fill the gaps. While the results from generative AI can be intriguing and entertaining, it would be unwise, certainly in the short term, to rely on the information or content they create. The responses might also incorporate biases inherent in the content the model has ingested from the internet, but there is often no way of knowing whether that’s the case.